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How does Pollution affect your Eye health?

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Pollutants in the air can be highly detrimental to human eyes. Human eyes are extremely sensitive. Chemicals and contaminants in the environment can cause temporary irritation in the human eyes. And when air pollution levels are high, some people may even experience red and itchy eyes.

People living in highly polluted areas are more likely to develop a condition known as dry eye syndrome. This implies that more the pollution level, the more susceptible your eyes are to damage.

What is Dry Eye Syndrome?

Dry eye syndrome is a condition in which your tears are unable to lubricate your eyes adequately. Tears can be insufficient and unstable for a variety of reasons. Dry eyes, for example, can occur if you don't produce enough tears or if your tears are of poor quality.

This tear upheaval causes irritation and inflammation to the surface of the eye. It's unpleasant to have dry eyes. Patients with dry eyes syndrome often feel stung or burning sensations in their eyes. Dry eyes can be a chronic condition; however, you can keep your eyes healthy and have a clear vision with the right treatment.

What Exaggerates Dry Eyes?

Yes, this is the most valid question that many people would want to know. People with dry eyes feel immense discomfort when they are in an AC room, airplane, or have longer screen time, or when they ride a bike, etc.

These are some of the situations when you may feel extreme burning sensation, pain, and discomfort in your eyes.

What are the Symptoms of Dry Eyes?

The following are the symptoms of dry eyes:

1. Burning sensation in the eyes.

2. Redness of the eyes

3. A feeling that there is something in your eyes

4. Eye stinging and scratchiness

5. Mucus in or around your eyes that is stringy

6. Strained eyes

7. Blurred vision

8. Light sensitivity

9. Difficulty in driving at night.

10. Difficulty in wearing contact lenses

11. Watery eyes

Protection and Treatment of Dry Eyes due to Pollution

Of course, dry eye is not a pleasant condition. At times it's very irritating. However, proper dry eye treatments may make you feel more at ease. These treatments may include dietary and lifestyle changes along with eye drops and lubricants.

If you're suffering from the above-mentioned symptoms, it's time to take preventive measures. Here are certain steps you should follow to control the symptoms of dry eyes:

1. Avoid direct air in your eyes: Air produced by air conditioners, fans, hairdryers, car heaters, etc., add to dryness in your eyes. Therefore, it is good to avoid direct air produced by these types of equipment.

2. Add moisture to dry indoor air: The winter season is already a dry season; moisture just vanishes in this season. The best example is your skin; the moment you wash your face, it becomes dry. Similarly, our eyes also become dry during the winter season; hence, the best way is to have a humidifier. It adds moisture to dry indoor air during the winter.

3. Use Spectacles to protect your eyes: Windy air is bad for your eyes. Hence, it is crucial that you cover or protect your eyes from wind and dry air. You can use wraparound sunglasses or other eye protection to protect your eyes from the bad impacts of dry air.

4. Blink your eyes few times in a day: Blinking your eyes is one of the best ways to control dry eyes symptoms. All you have to do is to blink your eyes several times in a row for a few seconds. Doing so will help spread your tears evenly over your eyes.

5. Take breaks to give rest to your eyes: If you tend to work on a computer or read constantly, then it's the worst thing you're doing to your eyes. Whether you suffer from dry eyes or not, taking periodic eye breaks is a must. Take periodic eye breaks to relax your eyes. You can just sit with your eyes closed for a few seconds. That's all!

6. Follow the 20-20-20 Rule: The 20-20-20 rule is nothing but a way to use a computer, especially when your work necessitates computer usage. According to this rule, for every 20 minutes spent looking at a screen, you should try to look away for 20 seconds at something 20 feet away from you. Doing so relaxes your eyes and helps you control dry eyes symptoms.

7. Avoid extreme air conditions: Arid air found at high altitudes, desert areas, and airplanes can damage your eyes. Of course, you cannot avoid being at these places; however, closing your eyes for a few minutes at a time can help control dry eyes symptoms and reduce the evaporation of your tears.

8. Set your computer screen lower than your eye level: Never set your computer screen above your eye level; it can deteriorate the condition. Instead, place your computer screen below eye level, so you don't have to open your eyes as wide. Also, it helps in slowing the evaporation of tears between eyes blinks.

9. Quit Smoking: Smoking is one of the reasons people suffer from dry eyes. The habit of smoking only alleviates the situation, causing irritation and inflammation. Hence, it is imperative that you should stop smoking if you have dry eye syndrome.

10. Use eye drops in a timely manner: People with chronic dry eyes are suggested to use eye drops or artificial lubricators to keep their eyes lubricated. If your doctor has asked you to use eye drops, make sure you use them to have efficient and effective results. Usually, patients are asked to use lubricants at least 4-5 times a day.

So, follow these steps and have a healthy eye and perfect vision. If the symptoms get aggravated, visit a doctor.

Can I get Lasik Eye Surgery if I have Dry Eyes?

Well, the answer for this may depend on the severity of your Dry Eyes. A Lasik Surgery Specialist may able to advise you best on this after conducting a few tests.

Having Dry Eyes can affect the healing of your eyes. Hence, it is important to treat your dry eyes before undergoing a Lasik Eye Surgery in Delhi.

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